Miior ELLA. Mirror

Miior ELLA. Mirror - 1 Miior ELLA. Mirror - 2 Miior ELLA. Mirror - 3 Miior ELLA. Mirror - 4 Miior ELLA. Mirror - 5 Miior ELLA. Mirror - 6

Miior ELLA. Mirror


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Elegant versatility.

Since a lot of beauty tasks can be performed in front of a vanity mirror hung in the bedroom, we decided to create a complementary range of furniture that help create an elegant and feminine environment which can freely be implemented both in bedroom and bathroom, thus extending the mirror’s special aura. The unique style of the ELLA collection disrupts the common belief that bathroom and bedroom furniture cannot go together. We actually prove the opposite - ELLA collection makes life simple and beautiful both in the bedroom and bathroom.

Designer: Katarzyna Okińczyc
    Katarzyna Okińczyc
Год выпуска:
Производитель: Miior
Единица измерения шт

О компании

  • ООО "Контракта" Комплексное оснащение интерьеров и офисных помещений
  • Контрактные поставки Мебель, освещение, сантехника, отделочные материалы, фурнитура

