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Since 1977 Johannes Foersom and Peter Hiort-Lorenzen have established themselves as two of the leading furniture designers in Denmark. They are familiar throughout Scandinavia and much of Northern Europe, but are probably most well known in Sweden. Their activities in Sweden have led to their receiving the Bruno Mathsson award, and the distinction ”Excellent Swedish Design” in more recent years. A feeling for craftsmanship and the opportunities provided by wood are clearly evident in their work. The prototype of Access, which was exhibited last year, attracted justifiable attention in design circles. It has now been put into production and is available in two types of wood – oak and ipê.

Ipê – with a lifetime of 25 years plus.
Ipê is an FSC certified wood that has been tested by researchers and test institutes for use in maritime surroundings. Its lifetime out of doors is stated to be 25 years plus in a tropical climate. By comparison with pine, cedar, and pressure creosoted wood, the lifetime of ipê is three to five times longer.

Designer: Johannes Foersom Peter Hiort-Lorenzen
    Johannes Foersom, Peter Hiort-Lorenzen
Год выпуска:
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О компании

  • ООО "Контракта" Комплексное оснащение интерьеров и офисных помещений
  • Контрактные поставки Мебель, освещение, сантехника, отделочные материалы, фурнитура


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