Adelphi Paper Hangings Deerfield C обои

Adelphi Paper Hangings Deerfield C обои - 1

Adelphi Paper Hangings Deerfield C обои


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This late century American-made paper was found in the Manse at Deerfield, Massachusetts. Its stylized abstraction of a floral design is inspired by the popular English interpretation of Japanese designs known as "Anglo-Japanesque." The ground color of the historic colorway had the poetic name "ashes or roses."

By the 1860s machine roller printing began to replace block printing as the dominant technology of the industry. Even so, during the transition period pattern design often retained a strong influence form the block printing era. Later, smaller, repetitive design motifs not well suited for hand printing began to dominate block printing largely disappeared until it was revived towards the end of the 19th century in the Arts and Crafts movement.

Adelphi occasionally reproduces patterns from this post-1860s period when they retain sufficient design and color characteristics lend themselves well to block printing and when they will benefit from the subtlety and attention to detail that block printing allows.

This pattern is licensed to Adelphi Paper Hangings by the the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution.

Repeat 16 inches
Width 19 inches
Half drop

The historic colorway shown above is double width; alternative colorways are single width.

Год выпуска:
    ca. 1880
Производитель: Adelphi Paper Hangings
Единица измерения шт

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