anthologie quartett Light Colours

anthologie quartett Light Colours - 1

anthologie quartett Light Colours


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The series of lamps entitled ‘Light Colours’ captivates its beholder because of the unusual design of the lamp shades: coloured paper is laminated to credit card-sized platelets; the stainless steel shades are decorated with these platelets which, depending on the choice of shades, create a whole range of colour moods.
Heiko Bleuel (as a florist) is not only a master of his flowers but also, as the designer of Light Colours, a master of colour mixtures and moods which he has planned to define a new from year to year in the form of ‘light colours of the year’, whereby the word light not only stands for light but also for soft, an adjective that most aptly describes the illuminating Light Colours.
Heiko bleuel's lighting system Light Colours premiered at the (first) Light + Building back in 2002; for 2010, he has now developed an almost mystical version with laminated platelets out of (alternatively) silver leaf or gold leaf, which are bound to be the most magnificent of the previous three versions (shades of white, pastel colours or intensive colours).

Designer: Heiko Bleuel
    Heiko Bleuel
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Производитель: anthologie quartett
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