dk3 Plateau High

In collaboration with Søren Rose Studio, dk3 is now launching PLATEAU - a side table celebrating simplicity, craftsmanship and honest design.

Launching the PLATEAU table dk3 adds a beautiful and timeless side table with an understated personality to the collection. PLATEAU is designed by acclaimed Danish design studio Søren Rose Studio known for their honest aesthetics and subtle design.

By combining a solid wooden top with an elegant brushed stainless steel base, the aesthetics of Søren Rose Studio and dk3 unites in celebrating simple design and paying tribute to simplicity and honest materials.

PLATEAU is developed with inspiration from a trunk of tree and created a side table with the ability to blend into any setting and room where aesthetics and quality are paramount. Søren Rose explains:

"Plateau is a modern side table inspired by the classic Danish heritage but carefully designed with a modern outlook. The solid tabletop is lightly oiled and the steel comes in either stainless steel or black powder coated steel. The final product is a beautiful combination of natural elements and classic Danish design tradition”.

“In a world with thousands of beautiful furniture, it’s a challenge to design something that has a livelihood, in the design process of PLATEAU we kept removing details from the original design and ended up with this very minimalistic yet sophisticated side table"

PLATEAU SIDETABLE is available in little/high and low version in stainless or black painted steel with a table top in natural oiled oak or walnut.

Designer: Søren Rose
    Søren Rose Studio
Год выпуска:
Производитель: dk3
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