Golem GmbH Art Nouveau wall tile F9.V2
Golem GmbH Art Nouveau wall tile F9.V2
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Dimensions: 15 x 15 x 0,8 cm
Availability: about 8 Weeks
The Golem Art Nouveau tiles are manufactured in the same technology as turn of the 19th/ 20th century. Tublined and machine molded relief tiles played an important part of Art Nouveau tile production.
These tiles have a small convex bar on the plane surface, which like a dyke separates the glaze colours, so that they do not run into each other. The paintresses are applied to the coloured glaze with a slip trailer. Golem attaches great importance to the fact that the motive, its plastic elaboration, the colours and the character agree with the antique tiles. Golem tiles are distinguishable from antique tiles by the Golem logo at the back.
Availability: about 8 Weeks
The Golem Art Nouveau tiles are manufactured in the same technology as turn of the 19th/ 20th century. Tublined and machine molded relief tiles played an important part of Art Nouveau tile production.
These tiles have a small convex bar on the plane surface, which like a dyke separates the glaze colours, so that they do not run into each other. The paintresses are applied to the coloured glaze with a slip trailer. Golem attaches great importance to the fact that the motive, its plastic elaboration, the colours and the character agree with the antique tiles. Golem tiles are distinguishable from antique tiles by the Golem logo at the back.
Дизайнер: |
Historic Reproduction
Производитель: | Golem GmbH (Германия) |
Единица измерения | шт |
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