IXC. AIR FRAME 30031 - 1



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30031 1P W610 x D565 x H680 (SH430, AH680)
30032 3P narrow W1510 x D565 x H680 (SH430, AH680)

Frame : anodized aluminum honeycomb panel with height-adjusters
Cushion : molded urethane foam, polyester padding, fabric/leather upholstery

Air Frame is a series of contract and residential furniture designed by David Chipperfield + IXC. R & D, since 1992 and having great success. The series consists of upholstered seating, tables, side boards and desk systems including three sofa ranges, two table ranges, two sideboard ranges and three ranges of desk system.
The Airframe material, a strong and lightweight aluminium honeycomb panel, was the starting point for the series which, at the same time, has great advantage as recycling material. The aluminium-faced panels are used as both structure and surface, often with a single lateral support of the same material and secondary elements and detailing kept to a minimum.
There are a variety of table top finishes - aluminium, glass, lime wood or wenge wood and for the sofa ranges. All the seating is equipped with cushions made by moulded polyurethane foam which offer a choice of fabrics / leather upholstery. Its peculiar sideboard ranges contains the cabinet equipped with cable management which can be used as a TV board by mounting plasma screen aiming at the home-theatre usage.
Desk systems ranges could correspond to variety of inquiries for office use and SOHO use - standard office, executive office and private office,
In the tradition of the furniture of the Modern movement (particularly the designs of Charlotte Perriand, Eileen Gray, and Mies van der Rohe), the Air Frame series achieves simplicity of both design and construction.
    David Chipperfield, IXC. R & D
Год выпуска:
Производитель: IXC. (Япония)
Единица измерения шт

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