NLXL Archives обои ARC-06 Withered Flowers
NLXL Archives обои ARC-06 Withered Flowers
Стены / Потолок Настенные покрытия Настенные покрытия/Обои из бумаги разноцветные серого цвета черного цвета с узором рстений/цветов
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Studio Job was founded in 2000 by Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel, both graduates of the Design Academy Eindhoven now based in Antwerp and Amsterdam. From their library of icons and images, existing patterns are adapted and extended to compositions of nine meters. Unique and without repeat. The collection reflects a retrospect of the history of Studio Job. They used archetypical drawings and these universal symbols are combined as iconographic elements for patterns and compositions, ultimately creating 7 designs: Industry, Labyrinth, Perished, Alt Deutsch, l’Afrique and Withered Flowers, the latter in black & white and in color. These patterns, icons and compositions were originally created amongst others for their own work and projects in design, art & fashion.
Job Smeets: “Where do you put the paintings?”, I hear someone grumble. My reply: “The plain white wall behind a painting is an idea from modernism. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was not uncommon to present art on very ornamented silk wallpaper. But let me put it another way: with this wallpaper you no longer need any paintings. Viewed in this way – per running meter - it is relatively cheap art.
Rick Vintage, NLXL founder: “Can you imagine, if you love art, what it feels like to browse through the archives of Studio Job? We felt like a child before Christmas. Our cooperation has brought NLXL to a whole new level. Job Smeets has used his art direction talents to create a stunning setting for the promotional photos as well as our showroom in Milan during Salone del Mobile last April. So the Studio Job craftsmanship is present in every detail of this collection.”
Designer: Studio Job
Job Smeets: “Where do you put the paintings?”, I hear someone grumble. My reply: “The plain white wall behind a painting is an idea from modernism. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was not uncommon to present art on very ornamented silk wallpaper. But let me put it another way: with this wallpaper you no longer need any paintings. Viewed in this way – per running meter - it is relatively cheap art.
Rick Vintage, NLXL founder: “Can you imagine, if you love art, what it feels like to browse through the archives of Studio Job? We felt like a child before Christmas. Our cooperation has brought NLXL to a whole new level. Job Smeets has used his art direction talents to create a stunning setting for the promotional photos as well as our showroom in Milan during Salone del Mobile last April. So the Studio Job craftsmanship is present in every detail of this collection.”
Designer: Studio Job
Год выпуска: |
Дизайнер: |
Studio Job
Производитель: | NLXL (Нидерланды) |
Единица измерения | шт |

NLXL была основана в Нидерландах в ноябре 2010 года Рик и Эстер Винтаж. Компания фокусируется на премиум-качество обоев. NLXL-это известная “Scrapwood обои” коллекция, детище дизайнер Пит Хейн Еек и NLXL основатель Рик Винтаж. Эта коллекция завоевала редактора Award на выставке icff в Нью-Йорке в 2011 году и находится в постоянной коллекции Смитсоновского Купер-Хьюит музей. Недавно компания представила “Бруклин Олов обои Мерси” коллекция для основанного в Париже концептуальный магазин, и “бетонные обои на пит Бун®”. Последняя коллекция “Ремикс. Обои фирмой Arthur Slenk”. В августе 2013 года еще две коллекции приложится. В коллекции доступны в более чем 2500 торговых посредников по всему миру. Обои NLXL не повторять. Это означает, что нет 2 планки такие же, в Scrapwood коллекция обоев, или каждое олово является уникальным в Бруклине Олов сбора и так далее. (очевидно, каждый рулон то же). Это то, что делает обои NLXL коллекции уникальными. NLXL ставит перед собой цель стать самой маленькой в мире глобальной компании. В Нидерландах и Германии, дизайнерские обои NLXL коллекции распределены по ЛЕФФ группы (
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