Silence Line

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Silence Line


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SILENCE LINE – Space.Organisation.System

The SILENCE LINE partition system enables spaces to be structured into individual or group workplaces with a marginal outlay and a reduced cost. Existing work places are also often subsequently optimised with SILENCE LINE − functionally, acoustically and optically.
SILENCE LINE shows its particular characteristics through the unique, flexible bell-touch-connection of the walls. This type of connection has been optimised by AOS. Large connection surfaces guarantee a significantly better hold and an optimum stableness compared to standard round connections. The ingenious angles of the connecting elements make the tool free assembly faster and enable quick structural alteration on site.
During the development and the material selection for the partitions, the requirements of durable and flexible use were considered. Frequent assembly, removal and repositioning can be carried out quickly and easily with SILENCE LINE.

Workplaces and numerous other areas can be designed in a versatile and interesting way with SILENCE LINE. Even as standard, there is a large selection of colours, material surfaces and decors. Furthermore, particular materials and also glass, metal or plastic may be used. SILENCE LINE can be individually adapted to specific requirements and customised.

Noise in the office is more than an annoying disturbance. If persistent, it can significantly affect working performance and also employees' health. With the SILENCE LINE partition system, you can make a crucial contribution to optimising the acoustic work space and room ambiance. The wall core is highly sound absorbent. Independent testing institutes attest the AOS system outstanding results in the most important frequency ranges for the human ear. The best prerequisites for a good acoustic workplace design.
Using SILENCE LINE means greater benefits can be achieved with a marginal outlay which has a positive effect on work results, employees' well-being and finally the company's financial success. SILENCE LINE is an investment in optimised working conditions which pays off − in may respects.

SILENCE LINE organises workplaces. Practical accessory elements can be easily and functionally installed with an optional system rail. By using the wall surfaces as a third level, significantly improved office organisation and optimum equipping of the workplace can be achieved. If necessary, cable channels can also be integrated.
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О компании

  • ООО "Контракта" Комплексное оснащение интерьеров и офисных помещений
  • Контрактные поставки Мебель, освещение, сантехника, отделочные материалы, фурнитура


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