Studio Art Forza del Colore rosso
Studio Art Forza del Colore rosso
Стены / Потолок Настенные покрытия Настенная мозаика квадратной формы из кожи красного цвета однотонные
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Leather mosaics
This is a particularly elaborate composition of up to 24 different kinds of leather with various finishes, designs and weaves. The resulting mosaic has a lively intenseness of shades and luminosity, thanks to sapient use of the primary colours of red and blue and the secondary ones of orange and green, plus gold and silver. A composite piece, almost Byzantine in its production and realisation, Forza del Colore represents the most complex Mosaico collection in terms of sophistication and technique.
This is a particularly elaborate composition of up to 24 different kinds of leather with various finishes, designs and weaves. The resulting mosaic has a lively intenseness of shades and luminosity, thanks to sapient use of the primary colours of red and blue and the secondary ones of orange and green, plus gold and silver. A composite piece, almost Byzantine in its production and realisation, Forza del Colore represents the most complex Mosaico collection in terms of sophistication and technique.
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