UnderCover Green Grass

UnderCover Green Grass - 1

UnderCover Green Grass


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The UnderCover concept was created by Philip Bro Ludvigsen for LE KLINT. The lamp series is based on the idea of giving you total freedom and flexibility in using light as a visible and impressive part of your furnishings.

The collection of inner shades in many different patterns and colours makes it possible for you to create lamps that are both individual and unique.
UnderCover even enables you to use LE KLINT's classic shades in a brand new way.
    Philip Bro Ludvigsen, Helle Abild (inner shade)
Тип освещения:
    основное освещение
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О компании

  • ООО "Контракта" Комплексное оснащение интерьеров и офисных помещений
  • Контрактные поставки Мебель, освещение, сантехника, отделочные материалы, фурнитура

