Weitzner Manor ahorn

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Weitzner Manor ahorn


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Quilted faux leather. Leather wallcoverings are highly unusual, and sure to project a unique, luxurious sensibility. Like Madison, Manor faux leather feels and looks like the real thing. It was innovated by Weitzner to be especially thin, and to install as easily as wallpaper.

Minimum order: 3 yards
Sold in: 3-yard increments
Width: trim at 47 inches
Approximate repeat: 5 inches
Content: 100% polyester with polyester backing,
stain resistant finish
Class A

Paste should be applied to the back of the wallcovering making sure to have enough paste on edges. It is recommended to use a liner for this product. (Make sure the liner is similar in color to the wallcovering.) The cut for Manor should be made where the quilting lines intersect forming an X.

During installation, try to line up the seams as best as possible at eye level and allow the tops and bottoms of wallcovering to shift.

Manor has stain resistant finish but in case cleaning is needed please wipe with dry to damp cloth. DO NOT RUB. Normal, regular vacuuming with a soft brush attachment may be used to remove dust deposits.

Due to the quilting technique the diamonds may not match up exactly at seams. The quilted leather wallcovering is also available at a maximum continuous 6-yard piece. Not guaranteed against fading or color change. Avoid direct or brilliantly reflected sunlight.

Custom orders are available upon request. Please contact your nearest showroom for more information.
    Lori Weitzner
Производитель: Weitzner
Единица измерения шт

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