Weitzner Regency WRE60/3

Weitzner Regency WRE60/3


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An elegant faux suede emboss, evoking the look of woven diamonds. Four colorways: wheat, sand, tobacco, and blue-gray. Nylon.

Minimum order: 5 yards / 4.57 m
Sold in: 5-yard / 4.57 m increments
Width: 52 inches / 132 cm untrimmed
Approximate repeat: N/A
Content: 100% nylon with polyester backing and stain resistant finish.
Class A

Paste should be applied to the wall first. It is very important not to get any paste on the suede. The paste will stain the wallcovering. The cut for Regency should be made where the embossed lines intersect forming an X. During installation, try to line up the seams as best as possible at eye level and allow the tops and bottoms of wallcovering to shift if necessary.

Regency has a stain resistant finsih but in case cleaning is needed, please wipe with a dry cloth. DO NOT RUB. Dry clean only. Normal, regular vacuuming with a soft brush attachment may be used to remove dust deposits.

Due to the embossing technique the diamonds may not match up exactly at seams. Embossing patterns are created through heat and pressure that achieves Regency’s unique look. The final effect may vary slightly based on the fiber density and dye penetration. Not guaranteed against fading or color change. Avoid direct or brilliantly reflected sunlight.
    Lori Weitzner
Производитель: Weitzner
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