Weitzner Soliloquy WSL49/4

Weitzner Soliloquy WSL49/4


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“Handmade has a soul,” Weitzner suggests in this serene handblock print. Half-inch diameter dollops of gold or platinum inks are hand-applied in this quirky, imperfectly rhythmic design crafted in India. The richly veined ground (mulberry, powder blue, dust, sand or spring) unexpectedly contrasts with the geometry of the circles for a whimsical effect.

Minimum order: 5 yards
Sold in: 5-yard increments
Width: 27 inches untrimmed
Approximate repeat: 5 inches will vary
Content: 90% non-woven 5% metallic 5% ink.
Class A

Paste should be applied to the back of the wallcovering making sure not to get any glue on the face of the wallcovering. Entire white selvedge must be trimmed off in a straight line. Measure out 27” across the width and trim the other side. When trimming the other side, ensure that the spacing between the dots, when side matching, are equal to the spacing within the roll, so that it is even it across the wall.

All stains on papers should be treated as soon as possible with water, by using a soft, white cloth or sponge. DO NOT RUB. Normal, regular vacuuming with a soft brush attachment may be used to remove dust deposits.

This is a handmade product and variations will occur. Dots will not be in perfect lines. There may be rub-off from the metallic inks. Try to avoid touching the surface of the wallcovering as much as possible. Not guaranteed against fading or color change. Avoid direct or brilliantly reflected sunlight.

Custom orders are available upon request. Please contact your nearest showroom for more information.
    Lori Weitzner
Производитель: Weitzner
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