Weitzner Tiara WTI67/2

Weitzner Tiara WTI67/2


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A handmade paper, ink, and glossy sheer cylindrical beads. Jewelry for the wall, this is an unprecedented approach to dressing a vertical surface or ceiling. The beads arranged randomly, are handsewn at one end to the tinted paper and dangle freely. Two colorways: ice blue and frost.

Minimum order: 5 yards / 4.57 m
Sold in: 5-yard / 4.57 m increments
Width: 27 inches / 68.6 cm untrimmed
Approximate repeat: random
Content: 90% non-woven, 5% ink, 5% plastic beads.
Class A

When hanging it is very important to use a soft brush only. Do not use any heavy tool or you risk tearing the beads off the paper. Please take extreme care during installation. The entire white selvedge must be trimmed off in a straight line. Measure out 27 inches across the width and trim the other side. When trimming the other side, ensure that the spacing between the beads is desirable across the wall. Trim dry and butt up.

Dry clean only. Normal, regular vacuuming with a soft brush attachment may be used to remove dust deposits.

A very unique product created by hand, where beads are individually hand sewn to create a subtle all over glitter. This is a handmade product and variations will occur. Beads will not be in perfect lines. There are small holes where the beads have been sewn on. Once the paper has been applied to the wall there is no way to add beads on if they have fallen off. Not guaranteed against fading or color change. Avoid direct or brilliantly reflected sunlight.
    Lori Weitzner
Производитель: Weitzner
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