Bluestein Fashionglass 505 arancio

Immagination and emotion are the ingredients at the base of this glamour line.
It's a modern reappraisal of Baroque style. This product is characterized by versatility applications. It may be used for coverings, technical raised or floating floorings, for stairs and decorations.
It's the best of made in Italy. Inside the plate there are fragments of coloured and neutral glass, which attain their best expressive capacity changing into real jewels.
You can match Fashionglass with the other Bluestein lines. Bottom glass can be reflective or transparent for backlightening.

Tiles for covering: thickness 22 mm
The surface glasses are stratified, joined together by an adhesive (PVB) in order to obtain a security glass (stratification technique). Inside there are: a glasses mixture and pitchy binding anti yellowing. Direct and permanent sunrays can cause light yellowing on white or pale Fashionglass colours.

Tiles for flooring: thickness 35 mm
Floor tile is formed by 3 layers, which, after being stratified, become an only armoured piece. Inside there are a glasses mixture and pitchy binding anti yellowing.
Direct and permanent sunrays can cause light yellowing on white or pale Fashionglass colours
Serial form is 602x602x35 mm (inclusive of perimetric safety gaskets), other sizes on request (without perimetric safety gaskets)
If the tile size increases, its thickness increases too (example: size 1000x1000 mm, thickness 54 mm)

The plates can be:
a) mirror bottom
b) transparent bottom (suitable to let the light through)
c) mat bottom (suitable to let the light through without transparence)

Tops, dividing walls, bar counters, stairs: thickness 30 mm
The plates for special forms on demand as a plan can be max 3000x1000 mm for simple working at right angles.

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О компании

  • ООО "Контракта" Комплексное оснащение интерьеров и офисных помещений
  • Контрактные поставки Мебель, освещение, сантехника, отделочные материалы, фурнитура


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